Petite Bouquet


Have a petite posy bouquet waiting at the table for your favorite person.

A posy bouquet is a small, round arrangement of flowers usually held in one hand.

We can prepare a lovely small bouquet adorned with a ribbon for your table. To ensure we provide the freshest flowers for your special someone, we kindly request a 24-hour notice. Each bouquet is unique and crafted according to seasonal availability, with some flowers sourced directly from the chef's garden.

Pictures are samples only.

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Have a petite posy bouquet waiting at the table for your favorite person.

A posy bouquet is a small, round arrangement of flowers usually held in one hand.

We can prepare a lovely small bouquet adorned with a ribbon for your table. To ensure we provide the freshest flowers for your special someone, we kindly request a 24-hour notice. Each bouquet is unique and crafted according to seasonal availability, with some flowers sourced directly from the chef's garden.

Pictures are samples only.

Have a petite posy bouquet waiting at the table for your favorite person.

A posy bouquet is a small, round arrangement of flowers usually held in one hand.

We can prepare a lovely small bouquet adorned with a ribbon for your table. To ensure we provide the freshest flowers for your special someone, we kindly request a 24-hour notice. Each bouquet is unique and crafted according to seasonal availability, with some flowers sourced directly from the chef's garden.

Pictures are samples only.